The Mrs. and I saw him perform an “adult show” inside a house of worship (that sentence never fails to make me chuckle) this past weekend. After seeing Bill Harley twice stand in front of a floor full of 6-year olds, it was thrilling to watch him in his natural element – singing songs and telling stories to a group of moms and dads who were once school age kids themselves. It’s a demographic that allows Harley to pull from his entire body of work; funny kids stuff, social commentary, and emotional, more complex material.
Harley performed two sets, totaling close to 2 hours. Not quite Springsteen, but the crowd could surely have handled 2 more. He told several stories and played a handful of tunes off “First Bird Call”, Harley’s newest grown-up album. Ahead of “Call”, one of the sparkling new songs, Harley retold his Happy Pappy Day story originally published on his fantastic blog – Song, Story and Culture. If you haven’t read that blog post yet, go now – it’s a riot.
What is most interesting to me, and my wife, is the effect his kids-leaving-home themed stories have on us. We’re forced to think about that eventual loss, and the empty nest that comes with it, through funny, yet extremely personal and touching tales of a man who has already walked down that road and said goodbye. Both my wife and I were in tears, envisioning that cinematic moment in our minds.
If Bill Harley comes anywhere near where you live (check here), I urge you to find a babysitter and get your butt out to see him. It’ll be an awesome date. You’ll thank me later. Oh, and tell him Jeff sent you.