OWTK Kindie Music News

Stepping Away

I just got out of the hospital.  I was treated for the flu, then pneumonia and it sucked pretty bad.  I managed to make it to 33.75-years of age with nary an injury/surgery/major illness.  That was until this past Sunday.  I always hated/feared needles.  The last 48 hours I was reduced to a pincushion.  No fun.
While away from my laptop for 72+ hours I found that I enjoyed the disconnection, heck, I even avoided Facebook and Twitter via my phone for a couple days.   
OWTK is going away for 2+ weeks.  
I’ll return in November, a month that is shaping up to be a terrific one in the kindie music world.  You can expect full coverage of the new releases from Renee & Jeremy, The Jellydots, Sarah Lee Guthrie & Family, The Hipwaders, Putumayo’s Family Christmas and more…plus a great DVD release from The Jimmies.  Upon returning, I’ll also start in full force with my 2nd annual “This Recession Sucks” Holiday Season giveaways of DVD, CDs, Books and Toys. 
Additionally, you’ll also be treated to a long piece fully introducing you to the wonderful Canadian duo DALA, an insightful interview with the charming Peter Himmelman, and a few more choice articles – included one showing up in a brand new place (on the web and on newstands!)
Don’t wander away too far.
See ya soon.


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