Kindergarten / OWTK KidLit + Comics

World Almanac For Kids Kingergarten Skills Puzzler Deck – OWTK Kid's Book Review

The Bear absolutely LOVES this puzzler deck! She’s entering Kindergarten in less than 2 months and continues to be a sponge for knowledge. There are 75 double-sided puzzler cards here – if she were the nation’s book czar there’d be 750!

The World Almanac for Kids Kindergarten Skills deck is just as super handy for a summer vacation plane/car ride as it is for snuggling in bed (which is how we worked through 80% of the questions).

With an age range of 3-5, some of the puzzlers are very basic for a girl about to enter kindergarten. At the same time others gave her pause and posed a bit of a challenge, especially for my daughter who is not nearly as proficient with time & money (just like mommy, who is always late and spending too much!) as she is in, say, spelling.

Puzzler topics range from basic spelling and vocab to spotting colors, vegetables and patterns to organizing letters alphabetically and digits numerically.

What I love most about these puzzler decks is the bright, playful hard-card format. Instead of a dependency on pencil and paper, a child is forced to work through the problems in their mind. Additionally, I was able to derive a couple more questions on just about each card. So really, we got closer to 200 pre-K/K appropriate questions out of this 75 card set.

The Kindergarten skills set is just one of many in this series. There are a handful of World Almanac Puzzler Decks for each age group (3-5, 5-7, 7-9, 9-11 and 11-13) covering the topics of Science, Math, Reading/Phonics, Geography/State/History and Vocabulary.

The World Almanac for Kids Puzzler Decks are a perfect way to make learning easy, fun and portable.

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