Billy Kelly / OWTK Kid's Concert Reviews / OWTK Kindie Music News

Billy Kelly Live In My Backyard

Seeing as how he resides a mere 2 hours away from OWTK Headquarters, I invited Billy Kelly, he of the Happy Club and self-professed milk lover, over to play a few tunes for the Mouse’s 2nd Birthday Party.

He (and his new hair-do) played solo, sans PA or amp, and sounded fantastic. His quick wit and wry humor won over most all of the kids (even those too-cool-for-school) and the adults, none of whom were familiar with Billy before yesterday (god forbid my own family read OWTK!)

The crowd was treated to “The First Song”, “People Really Like Milk”, “I Don’t Know”, “S-N-O-W-M-A-N” (which involved a good amount of audience participation) and “Thank You For Joining The Happy Club”, all from his album of the same name. On the title track, Billy took it as a challenge to engage one of my miserable looking nephews, who happen to sit up front. By the end of the song the boy had became “the favorite member of The Happy Club”…and was actually seen sporting a smile, however briefly.

Billy also covered Bing Crosby’s “Swinging on a Star”, much to the delight of my elder family members, and re-worked Johnny Cash’s “I’ve Been Everywhere Man” using only Pennsylvania towns. Our backyard gig also served as the ideal venue for Billy to debut a new track called “Family Garden”. Appropriately enough, the Bear took Mr. & Mrs. Kelly on a tour of our family’s raised veggie bed after the set. Once finished, several kids lined up for their official Happy Club membership certificates signed by BK.

He was an awesome addition to our event. Billy and his family are charming and friendly…and that’s reason enough to buy his music! So, go do so now.

Read OWTK’s interview with Billy Kelly. Also check out the OWTK review of his debut family album “Thank You For Joining The Happy Club”.

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