SAHD / So Much Time So Little To Do

Stay at Home on the Road

Last Wednesday the girls and I spent our stay at home day on the road. On a whim, after playing with Harmony, one of the Bear’s stuffed animals purchased from the sweetest place on Earth earlier this year, I decided to pack up the troops and head west to Hershey, PA. The Mouse was still in a Baby Bjorn snuggly-thing back then so I can only assume she didn’t enjoy all that Hershey’s had to offer while lassoed around her Mum’s chest. Seeing as how she now loves cows and cute Moooo one of the animal sounds she can make, I figured she would fancy seeing the singing trio of bovines that guide you through the cool (and free) little “factory” tour in Chocolate World. Wednesday afternoon seems a good time to visit as there was NO ONE in line for the tour. A much different scene will greet you on a weekend, that’s for sure.

Having eaten in the cafeteria last time, I knew I wanted to stop and have a real meal with the little ladies so with the help of my Garmin Nuvi I located the Chocolate Ave. Grill in downtown Hershey. They served the Mouse one of the best grilled cheese sandwiches I’ve ever tasted…she devoured it! The Bear enjoyed a huge plate of yummy spaghetti and meatballs (both meals were under $5). The kids got to play with crayons and twisty wax strings that can be made into any number of things. Very, very cool place that caters nicely to kids of all ages. I would return in a heartbeat the next time we’re in town. If you’re heading to Hershey for the Chocolate World Experience, stop at the Chocolate Ave. Grill for a great meal at a reasonable price thus avoiding the disappointing food court.

After buying three bags of fancy Kisses (Pumpkin Spice, Candy Cane and the best Hershey flavor ever – Mint Truffle) we headed over to the lovely Hershey Gardens. We got in free thanks to Winterthur’s reciprical program (love those!) Even though their butterfly house was closed we three still had a good time for well over an hour in the Children’s Garden where the kids can kinda roam free.

Next Monday we will spend another stay at home day out and about as the new Please Touch Museum opens in Fairmount Park. We joined during the summer and have been eagerly awaiting this day. Our membership gets our girls free and unlimited Carousel rides for a year! Yeah!!!

Check out’s interactive Please Touch Museum website.


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