Alright, I have no idea what YOU did this past weekend but here’s what we did:
Made our 1st trip back to Winterthur since becoming a member during the Jane Yolen weekend in the Spring. I had no intention of joining back then but the regular admission lines were so long that I gleefully forked over a wad of cash to get in right away (and again whenever I want for the next 12 months). I did the same thing at the Franklin Institute last year during the wildly popular King Tut exhibit. Those lines were almost out the door yet the membership desk was totally clear.
Winterthur and their Enchanted Woods is a beautiful place to spend a day. On this trip we got to experience the indoor portion of the grounds and discovered the K is for Kids exhibit (neat), the very comfy Jane Yolen reading room complete with over sized floor pillows (wonderful) and the kiddie Touch-It room which is set up like a old fashion house with china tea set, wooden toys and antique dolls (pretty cool) – the kids are encouraged to play with everything in there.
The gem of Winterthur though are gardens and, for anyone with tiny tots, the Enchanted Woods. The mystical Woods are filled with a troll house, a labyrinth, a frog pond, a giant bird’s nest and a faerie cottage. You’re kids will love it. And for any child who loves to ascend a great oak, there is an ideal climbing-tree just behind the Enchanted Woods…right in front of a big open area perfect for a picnic. It’s an idyllic spot on a beautiful blue-sky-day.
Working backwards…On Friday the Mrs. and I had an appointment at the Apple Store. My iPhone crapped out on me after getting wet during the Newport Folk Fest. They swapped it out for a new one, no questions asked, but dummy me didn’t yet sync my photos from the Mystic Aquarium and the Festival, my contacts or my notepad notes with dozens and dozens of t-shirt design ideas! Ack! They’re all gone forever. The good news is that I once again have a fully functioning iPhone thanks to the great people at the Apple Store’s Genius Bar.
Also on Friday my notice from COBRA arrived alerting me of my right to continue my health insurance coverage once I leave my job next Friday…all for the fabulous rate of $1265 per month! Yay, where do I sign for that affordable deal! The Mrs. is remaining employed for various reasons, that dollar amount being a large one.