So Much Time So Little To Do

Guess who's not going to see Fleet Foxes

…that’d be me! Tomorrow night Fleet Foxes will roll through Philly on the wings of their impressive debut full length (Sub Pop) and I will NOT be there. This is because of kid coverage and the up-in-the-air status of La Babysitter meaning I didn’t know if I should buy 1 or 2 tickets. Instead, I bought 0. Last night it was decided that the Mrs’ mom will be staying with us Tuesday evening meaning we could both go. By that time, the damn show sold out. I guarantee the next time the swift Foxes appear in Philly it will be at a much larger venue which makes me quite sad. The chance to see and hear this amazin’ group and their gorgeous harmonies in a small room has vanished.

Fear not friends…the good people at NPR will broadcast tonight’s Fleet Foxes show from D.C. They should hit the stage around 10pm. I suggest that you tune in with me to hear this fantastic little band from the Pacific NW. You won’t regret it.

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