OWTK Kindie Album Reviews

OWTK NCAA Kid’s Music Tournament – Round 2 – Rebecca Frezza vs. Gunnar Masdsen

The final contest of the 2nd round is here…#1 seed Rebecca Frezza barely squeaked past Suzi Shelton in the 1st round to earn a matchup with #4 Gunnar Madsen, who defeated Thaddeux Rex last week.

Check out Rebecca’s warm and summery video for “Carnival Ride”

You will want to click on the links above to re-read the OWTK reviews of both records and find the audio samples to, well, sample. Then leave your comment/vote (with your name/email please!) for either Rebecca Frezza’s “Special Kind of Day” or Gunnar Madsen’s “I’m Growing” by midnight ET on Friday 4/11. Your comments will help decide the winner. Also, feel free to cast your ballot in the Stardust Lullaby vs. Harmonica Pocket contest!
Everyone that leaves a comment with their name (fairly difficult to award CDs to ‘anonymous’) during the Tournament will have a chance to win the Final Four CDs.

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