More Maggie, More Beast – DVD Review and Giveaway

What can I say about the greatest toddler/preschool-age show on TV and DVD? For the past two weeks the Bear and I have been watching the two new Maggie and the Ferocious Beast DVDs and I still haven’t found proper words to describe this first class show in any new light. It’s adorable, polite and flawlessly executed from start to finish.

This week marks the release of those two new Maggie and the Ferocious Beast DVD sets from Shout! Factory. “Rain Showers & Spring Flowers” and “Recipes for Trouble” (both available Tuesday February 5th 2008) present a total of 8 Maggie and the Ferocious Beast episodes containing a total of 24 separate shows, each one a perfect example of blissful, idyllic kid’s entertainment. The tales told and lessons examined in Maggie and Ferocious Beast are done so at a gentle pace, allowing youngsters as early as 18 months to grasp the subtle messages of friendship, being different and appreciating what we have all around us. What’s totally fantastic about the new collections is the inclusion of numerous musical numbers and music-themed shows – from the presence of the double-bass playin’ B.B. Katz in several episodes to the marvelous ode to our favorite redhead by Hamilton Hocks on “Maggie’s Song”. As always, viewers will spend time with a bevy of favorite Nowhere Land friends such as Rudy, Nedley, the Jelly Bean Team and, new here, the hilarious Buffleheaded Booby.

I cannot recommend Maggie enough to any family with young kids – older infants to kindergarten age. You’ll find the characters silly, charming and your tots will be enamored with Maggie, Hamilton, Beast and the rest of the gang from the very first viewing. Widgets


OWTK is very happy to be able to give away two (2) sets of Maggie and the Ferocious Beast DVDs to a couple of lucky readers. All you need to do is this: Leave a comment here letting me know what your favorite TV show or book was when you were growing up. Do so before midnight ET on Friday 2/8/08 and you will be entered to win both “Rain Showers & Spring Flowers” and “Recipes for Trouble” on DVD. Winners will be announced and notified on Saturday 2/9/08. (OWTK never sends unwanted emails – so have no fear. I hate those as much as you do.)

Thanks and good luck!

More Maggie and the Ferocious Beast

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