OWTK Kindie Music News

Old Bike/New Bike

Out with the old…

And in with the new!

We went to Bike Line, a local mini-chain bike store, and picked up this awesome Trek Mystic 16″ bike with training wheels. It is a unique shade of blue with tassels and a basket. The bike is decorated with flowers and dragonflies.

She was zooming around the store within minutes and couldn’t wait to get back home!

…and here she is, with Quakers the duck, in our front yard during the Civic Association Egg Hunt last weekend.

Baseball Opening Day was fun for us. We cooked burgers and dogs on the grill and watched the first couple innings of the Phillies game together on the couch. Predictably, and wonderfully, she fell asleep on my lap in the 4th inning. The day was made perfect when she woke up extremely happy and ready to head outside to play. We spent a couple hours on the swing, slide and rolling around barefoot in the grass. I love this weather! (too bad it is gone tonight, when the 40 degree days and rain move in for the rest of the week).

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