Parenting Blog

Earth Day Laptop Doula

We did nothing to celebrate Earth Day yesterday, save for spending much of the day outside, soaking up the rays and cooking on the grill. I do feel a bit odd about our lack of involvement in a structured and official celebratory event but I guess, at the essence of what the days is supposed to mean, spending an entire day out of doors, appreciating nature, enjoying each others company and the warm weather, and not driving around burning fuel isn’t such a bad way to mark the occasion.

Regarding my computer-free weekend: I did not make it through the whole two days without flipping up the laptop and checking email and sending a couple notes out to people. Computer usage was definitely at a minimum though… baby steps.

We met with our Doula on Friday night. To re-introduce ourselves and go over the birth plan once again (nothing has changed from the first time). We wound up spending almost 2 hours talking about parenting (she has 4 kids), society, decision making and the struggle to raise good and interesting little ones in an increasingly complex, divided and scary world. We really liked her three years ago, which is why we are employing her again, and now that we have a child we were able to spend time talking about raising one instead of preparing for one, we discovered that we share a deep routed connection when it comes to lifestyle choices and parenting strategies. It was refreshing and wonderful to have such a conversation – one of the best I have had in a while. I wish I could have recorded the whole thing and transcribed it here. In those two hours we encapsulated pretty much everything I have been struggling to say on this blog for the past 11 months. I am a much more efficient speaker than I am writer, always have beem. Maybe I should be doing a podcast instead.

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