Great little article in Feb. 19th’s Sunday New York Times focusing on Paris as a Kid friendly destination:
Some very useful information, especially the bits about the Rodin Musuem/Garden (A “garden only” ticket costs just 1 euro, which is why many Parisian families frequent this gated green art gallery, with two sandboxes hidden in the back behind the circular pool.) and the Tuileries Garden (Tucked away on the northwest side of the Tuileries garden, bordering the Rue de Rivoli, are eight trampolines set safely into the ground with long benches on either side. Parents can take in the view of the obelisk towering over the Place de la Concorde while their children jump for joy. Tickets are 2 euros (for a five-minute turn); 15 euros for 10 tickets.)
My wife and I are traveling to France for a couple weeks this Fall with our daughter, who will be 2 1/2 come then. Expect a fair amount of travel prep tips leading up to the trip and blogging from France once we arrive.