Giveaway: Back to School Edition

Many American families are preparing to send their little darling(s) off to school over the coming weeks.  This event is usually met with disparate emotions; younger kids excited, older ones less so.  Parents are mixed too.  Some dread this day, as they will once again turn their precious children over to the school system for another 9 months, others do backflips that their rugrats will be out of their hair every weekday until May/June.

Whatever you think about back to school season, you may want to capture the memories of fresh crisp uniforms, snazzy new backpacks, clean shoes, trimmed up hair, and, for moms and dads going through this for the 1st time, that memorable shot of your kiddo walking away from you down that hallway, into that classroom.  Maybe the first time they “leave you” in a meaningful, official way.  You can cry, it’s okay, we’ve all been there.

I want to give one (1) lucky OWTK reader a brand new digital camera to help your family capture, keep and cherish these moments.  Or, maybe this new camera will serve as a back to school gift for your grade schooler or tween.   Either way, entering to win is easy.  Leave a comment here telling me something you remember about going back to school yourself; good or bad.  You can also follow OWTK on Twitter and become a fan (or ‘Like’) OWTK on Facebook.  Each of those get you an extra entry.  Please leave a separate comment letting me know which entry methods you’ve taken advantage of.  Thanks.

THE PRIZE: Insignia 12MP Digital Camera (Blue) w/ 4X Optical Zoom, 2.7″ LCD Screen, SD/SDHC Compatible.  $100 value!

THE RULES: Maximum of 3 entries per person (U.S. and Canada only please); Leave comment here with back to school memory, ‘Like’ OWTK on Facebook, Follow OWTK on Twitter.

THE DEADLINE: 11:55pm (ET) on Thursday, August 26th 2010.  I’ll pick the winner the next day.

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